The CBSE curriculum is designed keeping in mind multidimensional child-centric approach. It is both interactive and pragmatic. We nurture children to be confident, self-sufficient, have independent thought process and a never ending urge for learning; hence At ‘Tulip International School’ Students from KG to Primary follow Chrysalis curriculum which is designed based on CBSE curriculum and for middle school NCERT books are followed.
At this budding stage feelings of love and protection are nurtured to make the toddlers feel at ease and comfort. Each child must feel happy and excited to come to school with a motivation to explore and understand their environment.
The curriculum at The Tulip School lays strong emphasis on constructivist approach where the child is the architect of her/his own knowledge. Underlying every learning topic is a concept-base which encourages children to see the connections between different subject areas. We believe that storytelling, play, learning musical instruments, swimming, dance and drama are as important for learning as science, mathematics and social science. In the week’s timetable, therefore, each area finds a place for itself.
Children in the pre-primary school will spend time on: Circle Time, Show and Tell, Math’s, Language, Understanding Our World, Dance, Music, Free Play, and Activity Room.
The naturally curious minds are exposed to conditions that can evoke freedom of thought and expression. Language development, concept formation, socio emotional skills along with fine and gross motor development happen simultaneously through exploration, interrogation and eventually self-discovery. This can build confident youngsters who feel free to be creative and motivated to learn. The path is laid thus for the toddlers to board the adventure of learning and march into the primary level.
Language development happens in pre-primary children by making them listen to various phonetic sounds, letters, songs and music. They will take some time to learn to read and write but speech develops very fast when they begin to interact with their peers. Mentors at this stage are continuously speaking and interacting with the children through speech, gestures and actions.
Fine motor skills are all about eye-hand coordination which develops in the child gradually by doing activities like sprinkling sand on pictures, thumb printing, cutting and folding papers and so on. Holding a pencil or a crayon properly may not be possible for the pre-nursery kid, therefore, activities are well thought of to match the age groups accordingly.
Learning about own body parts and also about personal hygiene makes the child become independent. Among the various activities children also learn how to dress up or change clothes, tie shoes, use the washroom and keep the surroundings clean.
Cognitive development is a broad area that covers logical reasoning, perception, awareness and judgment. This area develops by exposing the small children to explore various activities which they are so much curious about and keen to discover. Rather than spoon-feeding children are guided to do self exploration and find answers themselves thereby learning to comprehend facts from a very tender age.
Pre-nursery kids have immense energy as they are growing up very fast. They are given ample opportunities to run, play, jump, climb, hop and crawl which eventually develops the bigger muscles in the body especially the limbs. Suitable toys and apparatus are used which help the children to build muscle control, balance and dexterity.
Children begin to interact and communicate with a peer which is the beginning of their social life. Learning to set rules of games, wait and take turns and negotiating in the process is the natural way to develop socio-emotional area of a child. Proper mannerisms and appropriate behaviour are taught by mentors at this stage through dramatization and role plays which are also means of self expression and venting emotions for the children.
At this stage children do what they love while understanding the thin line that separates right from wrong. They gradually come out from their secured shelter and start to socialize. The highly developing toddler brain is stimulated through exploratory and hands-on activities which can develop cognition, language and psychomotor skills. This makes them confident observers who can absorb experiences to make relevant associations to draw accurate conclusions. Thus they begin to appreciate the importance of education by remaining interested through the flexible, thought stimulating lessons.
They can become aware of their own potentials and learn how to explore and exploit in the right direction thus moving away from vulnerability to independence. They become capable of divergent thinking through challenging experiences which allow them to grasp the various academic and non-academic areas to move into the middle school level well equipped.
Language skills for English and Vernacular are honed through reading activities that instigate thinking, imagination and analysis. This skill is taken a step higher by involving students in various individual and group activities that develop writing as well as speaking skills.
Arithmetic and mathematical skills are encouraged through the habit of practice coupled with a deep interest in logical reasoning and anlysis. These are achieved by making the young inquisitive minds regularly engrossed in challenges involving abstract reasoning, measuring activities and congnitive abilities.
Scientific skills to experiment and find logic behind the endless phenomenons of physical life, the planet and nature are developed through ample opportunities of real life experiences, laboratory activities and class room projects. The students can learn by themselves rather than being taught with required guidance and mentoring. This develops the natural urge to find connections and logical reasoning skills begin to find deep roots from a very young age.
Computer skills are developed through dual methods of theory and practical activities. Demonstration by mentors coupled with hands on experience by students make them confident learners who can easily grasp the funcitioning of the machine.
Social Studies can actually develop mutiple skills of analysis where students interpret the past, compare it to the present and derive implications for the future. Analysing the earth on which we live and the various events that has shaped the present through plays, models and innovative activities can actually make the learning most interesting and challenging.
General knowledge is an area which is built through continous awareness. Quiz, puzzles and various interesting games keep the students interested and well acquainted with the latest news and various knowhow.
Morals and values are integral part of the whole school environment. Students learn essential morals, values and principles through story sessions and role plays coupled with hyms that create positive vibes from a very tender age.
At this stage the students have stepped or are about to step into adoloscence. Therefore, various important factors need to be considered while mentoring students at this stage. (Mentors transform into friends from guides)
The Middle School curriculum is holistic as it concerns itself with fostering a culturally sensitive and socially responsible student who has strong communication skills, is confident and is an avid learner. Socio-emotional skills are just as important as the student’s academic prowess! This philosophy allows our students to discover their academic strengths and interests. Besides cultivating more advanced academic skills, the Middle School curriculum offers students the opportunity to develop their creative, physical, technical, and empathetic skills to ensure the development of a well-rounded individual.
By the time a child prepares to head out into the world, The Tulip School has an in-depth knowledge of his inherent strengths and weaknesses, gathered through years of assessment and mind mapping. Besides helping the children to discover their paths in life and equipping them accordingly, The Tulip School also helps them prepare for important upcoming exams. This is approached through the triumvirate methods of knowledge acquisition, retention and application. Students acquire knowledge through vibrant multimedia explanations, and are taught a variety of techniques to suit the way their mind works to retain knowledge.